Dr Mansi Surati

Dr Mansi Surati is MD Psychiatrist (Hom).
She has completed her post-graduation from M.L Dhawale Memorial institute which is renowned for excellence in integrated homoeopathic medical care, education and research.
Dr Mansi has 4.5 years of experience in managing patient of wide variety in the field of homoeopathy. She has special skills in managing psychiatric patients suffering from a various illness like depression, anxiety disorders, Bipolar disorder, personality disorders, schizophrenia, panic disorders, somatoform disorders and psychosomatic illnesses.
She has also successfully worked as a full-time resident Medical officer in Psychiatric IPD in Center of Excellence wing of M L Dhawale Memorial hospital. She has 4.5 years of experience in treating cases of child psychiatry. she has a deep interest in academics and has been a lecturer for 1.5 years for MD psychiatry students. She has also been Junior Research Fellow in 2014-2015.
She is author of two articles published in National Journal of Homoeopathy India (Application of Organon June 2014, vol16 and Depression June 2016-Vols 18). She has a keen interest in Competency-Based Education system and is working on those projects in Academics. She has also received training of managing patients of gynaecology, paediatrics, Rheumatology, General Medicine and Psychiatric Emergencies.